
What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable teeth that help replace missing teeth and the surrounding tissue.
They come in two types:
  1. Complete Dentures: These are used when all the teeth in the mouth are missing. They can be for the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both.

  2. Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are used when you still have some natural teeth left. Partial dentures not only fill in the spaces created by missing teeth but also prevent other teeth from changing position.

Reasons for Dentures

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Procedure for Getting Dentures

Initial Consultation

Schedule a consultation with your dentist to discuss if you’re a good candidate for dentures and give you a reasonable expectation of the function, appearance and cost of those dentures.
Step 01

Oral Examination

Receive a thorough oral exam with X-rays to evaluate dental health and bone integrity. Your medical history, current health status, and allergies will be confidentially assessed to ensure they don't impact the denture procedure. Post-exam, our dentist will outline expected outcomes and costs for your new dentures.
Step 02

Potential Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction often precedes denture fitting. It may involve removing one or multiple teeth.
Step 03

Immediate or Temporary Dentures

Your dentist may suggest immediate or temporary dentures to facilitate the transition between tooth extraction and the creation of your permanent dentures.
Step 04

Mouth Impressions

The dentist captures the impressions of your mouth, constructs wax models, and finally casting the dentures.
Step 05


After receiving your new dentures, schedule follow-up visits to ensure proper fit and comfort.
Step 06

Dentures FAQs

The cost of dentures varies significantly because of factors including the complexity of the treatment and the time required for completion. It is advisable to arrange a consultation with your dentist to discuss your needs. This will enable them to comprehend your situation thoroughly and provide you with an accurate estimate of the fees.

The duration required to obtain a set of dentures varies according to one’s specific condition. The dentist will provide an estimate based on your individual situation. While the dentist needs time to ensure the new set is properly crafted and fitted, they will do their best to minimize delivery time.

Dentures are crafted to fit naturally within your mouth. As a result, they often don’t require the regular use of an adhesive. Most patients get acclimated to their dentures after a week of continuous use. However, if your dentures do fit poorly, consult your dentist as soon as possible to eliminate discomfort and irritation.

Similar to natural teeth, proper maintenance is essential. Employ a toothbrush with soft bristles to clean dentures thoroughly and ensure they remain moist when not in use. It is crucial to keep both the dentures moist and the tongue and gums clean to prevent the formation of harmful bacteria.

This is personal preference, however, we recommend that you wear your dentures as much as possible. It is widely agreed upon that you should sleep without your dentures, However, if you choose to sleep with them it is important to keep your dentures extremely clean. Remove them at least once a day and brush the tissues underlying the dentures with a soft toothbrush. This removes any plaque build up along with any food debris. It also stimulates the blood vessels which is an essential part of a healthy tissue.

When you get new dentures, it takes time to get used to them. Learning to chew again is important. Start with small bites and chew slowly. Stay away from sticky or hard foods at first. You should soon see an improvement due to the new dentures being more efficient as the chewing surfaces have less wear.

For optimal performance of your dentures, schedule an annual check-up with your dentist. During this visit, your dentist will identify any issues or abnormalities requiring attention and may refer you to a specialist for further medical care if necessary.

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