Make today amazing with your smile

Located in the heart of Sunset Community, Vancouver

Dr. Caesar Chow Portrait

Welcome to Fraser Street Dental

We believe in patient-centered dental care.
This means that we take the time to thoroughly diagnose your dental needs and be an active participant in your dental health journey.
I strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment where you can feel at ease. Together, we will work towards achieving optimal dental health and a beautiful smile.
Thank you for choosing Fraser Street Dental. We look forward to serving you and providing exceptional dental care that exceeds your expectations.
Dr. Caesar Chow
the culture

For a comfortable visit, we offer:

Flexible hours
Convenient location near transit
Wheelchair accessible facilities
Personable & compassionate team
Multi-language services
Uncompromised patient safety
Same-day emergency care
Direct billing to insurance

We love our patients and they love us back.

Our recent reviews

Work with the best dental team in the community

Meet our dentists
Dr. Caesar Chow

Dr. Caesar Chow

general dentist

“Dentistry gives me the chance to make a lasting impact on my patients’ health and confidence.”

Schedule your first visit

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